SIMI Swiss owns
an ecosystem for graduate, postgraduate education and research.

*With over 18 institutions and an academic portal, SIMI Swiss offers programs ranging from certificates to diplomas and degrees at all levels and in almost all fields.


SIMI Official

SIMI Swiss Official
SIMI Swiss China
Schweizer Institut für Hochschulbildung in Management und Innovation (MI Swiss)
Swiss eUniversity

SIMI Programs

Swiss Diploma
TopUp Degree
Swiss Micro Credentials
Swiss Short Course

Program with Partners

Level UK
APEL.Q (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Qualifications)
ISCEA Switzerland

All Schools

BizSchool of Switzerland
IT Institute of Switzerland
Swiss Education School
Swiss Logistics & SCM School

All Schools+

Swiss Healthcare Management School
Swiss Aviation Management School
Swiss Hospitality School
Law Institute of Switzerland

Research Portal

Academic Journal of Switzerland
Doctorate Journal
Colloquium of Switzerland

Support Portal

Academic Support Portal
All Campuses of SIMI Swiss
Go abroad Switzerland!
SIMI Swiss Lecturers

SIMI Swiss Official

Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss) is the first institute of higher education in Zug, Switzerland, with full international accreditation.


MI Swiss Official

Schweizer Institut für Hochschulbildung in Management und Innovation (MI Swiss) is an international cooperative institute of SIMI Swiss

Swiss eUniversity

A portal for marketing Swiss-made, fully online university programs, bringing them to learners' doorsteps.